VOR Pacing Optimization

Forecast and optimize your private equity commitments

Pacing Optimization works with FRG’s VOR Private Capital Forecasting (PCF) module to help investment managers plan future commitments to keep their multi-asset portfolios on target. Download our one-page brief to read more.



Best in Class Cash Flow Models

FRG’s models have shown significant predictive power, out of sample, above and beyond the Takahashi Alexander (Yale) model consistently for all vintages dating back over 20 years.


World Class Analytics

FRG’s analytics expertise helps investors optimize planned commitments based on the dynamics between fund behavior and the macro-economic environment.


Results Optimized Across the Portfolio

 Optimize future commitments then visualize your expected vs. target asset distribution across your entire portfolio.


A Probabilistic view

Gain a probabilistic view of meeting your private equity allocation and maintaining the allocation inside IPS limits.


Create Multiple Scenarios

See how the commitment plan can change under a variety of scenarios.


VOR Pacing Optimization is part of the VOR Risk Intelligence Suite.  Contact us to learn more about how this suite of innovative modules can help guide your decision-making regarding risk management, efficient trading, and operational scale.