Whisk the Risk Away

Whisk the Risk Away

A bank has a credit card portfolio. It is happy about that. Fees are good and higher rates mean more interest coming in. There is just one little bummer, and that is the capital it has to hold in reserve incase any cardholders default. A private credit firm has a...

IFRS 17: Bridging the Gap

Existing accounting practices in the insurance industry are inconsistent and unclear. This has led to the issuance of IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts – the first international Standard for insurance contracts. Because this Standard is based solely on principle and does...

Avoiding Bureaucratic Phrasing

Employees developed plans during the course of the project in order to create a standardized process with respect to regulation guidelines. Did you understand that sentence reading through the first time? The sentence is filled with bureaucratic phrasing which makes...

The Financial Risk Group Is Now FRG

We’re making it official: After more than a decade of operating as “The Financial Risk Group,” we’re changing our name to reflect what our clients have called us since the early days. We are excited to formally debut our streamlined “FRG” brand and logo. Our new look...