Stick the Soft Landing

Stick the Soft Landing

We were so close! The economic floor routine to stick a soft landing—taming inflation with high rates without causing a recession—seemed on track and within reach and expectations were running high and then a few things happened in rapid succession: BoJ hiked their...
I Will Be Your Predictor

I Will Be Your Predictor

The Risk Report is always excited to dive into news details that validate what it already believes to be true. And if it can be combined with topical lyrics from Queen Bey, it is even better. So, remember the yield curve? The one by all measures has been inverted for...
Back to Black

Back to Black

We most often think about inflation and its first cousin, interest rate, as a pair of high-pitched teenagers on eternal spring break who could really use a hug and a good night’s sleep to calm a bit down. No? That’s just me? But in some other places in the world, the...
Higher for Longer Turns to Higher Forever

Higher for Longer Turns to Higher Forever

I’m sorry, were you waiting to return to the happy days when you could get a 30-year fixed mortgage for less than 4%? Well, you might have to tighten the straps on your patience hat again because Ms. Yellen of the US Treasury said this week that rates will most likely...