Good News, Eh!

Good News, Eh!

It is second nature to me, both as a risk manager and a parent, to focus on the worst-case scenario first. That makes for an, shall we say, interesting size of my amygdala*. What I am dancing around is that there was some good news that almost slipped by unnoticed, so...
How Deep Is Your Loss?

How Deep Is Your Loss?

Banks should hold enough capital. That is hard to argue with no matter if you are on Team Regulator or Team Bank. Where it gets a little more contentious is how much is enough.   Burned by the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, regulators far and wide tend to equate...
Even Non-Banks Get the Runs

Even Non-Banks Get the Runs

We at The Risk Report have been exploring entities that by all accounts (haha!) act like banks but aren’t. This week Forbes and a few others highlighted that while these companies largely are exempt from regulation, and market that as an upside, they are also very...
Whisk the Risk Away

Whisk the Risk Away

A bank has a credit card portfolio. It is happy about that. Fees are good and higher rates mean more interest coming in. There is just one little bummer, and that is the capital it has to hold in reserve incase any cardholders default. A private credit firm has a...