Not All Quant Quakes Are Black Swans

Not All Quant Quakes Are Black Swans

Information about the Chinese financial markets is often fleeting, sparse, and long after the fact. This week, however, Bloomberg brought a piece on a recent Quant Quake, a headline too good to pass up. The piece talks about how Chinese quant hedge funds—hedge funds...
Black Swans Don’t Live in AI

Black Swans Don’t Live in AI

Worry is within the purview of Team Regulator, and they do it well. This week, Gary Gensler of the SEC voiced his concern to FT that AI will cause substantial financial instability within the next decade. So here is his thinking: Financial institutions, especially...

Avoiding Discrimination in Unstructured Data

An article published by the Wall Street Journal on Jan. 30, 2019  got me thinking about the challenges of using unstructured data in modeling. The article discusses how New York’s Department of Financial Services is allowing life insurers to use social media, as well...