The Tortured Homeowners Department

The Tortured Homeowners Department

It is widely felt and reported that housing costs have entered the painful range. Especially more recent home buyers (with less equity built up) and those in areas prone to extreme weather events are struggling, because they are being hit thrice or even quince...
Diss Tracks—Bank Edition

Diss Tracks—Bank Edition

We all know how it started. Last summer Team Regulator slammed Team Bank hard with a proposal that among other stingers would mean an almost 20% increase—AKA $150bn—in the core capital requirement for Club G-SIB. A G-SIB is a Global Systemically Important Bank. The...
Is Your CECL System Meeting Your Needs?

Is Your CECL System Meeting Your Needs?

Much has changed since CECL became effective—data has grown, technologies have advanced. While those changes themselves may cause a Financial Institution (FI) to reevaluate its CECL system a more important motivator might be experience. For most FIs, the CECL process...
Even Non-Banks Get the Runs

Even Non-Banks Get the Runs

We at The Risk Report have been exploring entities that by all accounts (haha!) act like banks but aren’t. This week Forbes and a few others highlighted that while these companies largely are exempt from regulation, and market that as an upside, they are also very...
Whisk the Risk Away

Whisk the Risk Away

A bank has a credit card portfolio. It is happy about that. Fees are good and higher rates mean more interest coming in. There is just one little bummer, and that is the capital it has to hold in reserve incase any cardholders default. A private credit firm has a...
The Broccoli Is Starting to Bite

The Broccoli Is Starting to Bite

It’s unfair to always pick on broccoli because it is healthy and (with copious amounts of cheese) also delicious, but for the sake of the example, please let it slide this time. Say that we have all been promised dessert (interest rate cuts) if we finish that pesky...
Halt the Deckchairs!

Halt the Deckchairs!

A few weeks ago, we reported that the SEC had finally settled on a rule for companies to disclose a small part of their carbon emissions. It seemed like a baby step in the direction of where the rest of the world has been heading for years, namely a global net zero...