The Risks of Oversimplifying Stress Test Models

Simple methods of stress testing often result in risky practices, but the trade off of using a simple model occurs through an easier understanding relative to a complex model.  FRG’s team of consultants develop complex models through an intuitive understanding...

Hierarchy of Visual Understanding

Risk visualization as a science and art form is still in it’s infancy.  The vast majority of users still view data in tabular form or use simple graphs to visualize.  FRG can help your firm take the next step in visualization.  We use storyboards and informative...

Risk Weighting, Regulatory Arbitrage, And Other Issues

The proposed shift to internal models for ratings means that calculating regulatory capital will continue to become more complex and sophisticated as the regulations evolve. FRG can assist by providing experienced people capable of understanding the modeling process...

Removal of Financial Reporting

The tightening of capital requirements and the elimination of AFS filtering means that banks must look elsewhere for areas to minimize capital requirements. FRG has implemented advanced analytics designed to optimize capital. Even small reductions in capital can...

Why Basel III matters

FRG has helped many of the SIFI companies design, implement and build world-class risk platforms. We’ve also helped these institutions implement advanced reporting and analytics designed to minimize the burden of meeting regulatory requirements. Give us a call...

Risk Data Management

FRG is helping clients implement platforms for integrated risk data management. Being able to quickly – seamlessly – access and analyze many data sources is key in risk measurement, and FRG has global experience in designing and implementing such...